
An insight into my classes at Georgetown and what I’ve gained from each experience.

FLOURISHING: This unique Georgetown course for First Years has taught me about positive psychology, how to better manage my stress, and overall how to have a better outlook on life. This sociology class has allowed me to explore my daily habits through holding a sleep journal and gratitude journal, therefore encouraging self reflection to become a daily habit. Moreover, I have learned how to apply Jesuit values to my daily routine, along with how to best make the most out of every opportunity through living with positivity.

PSYCH: Psychology has been a challenging, yet rewarding course so far. Through asynchronous lectures, online courses, videos, and readings, the material is taught in many different ways so that not only have I learned a lot of psychology material, but I am starting to understand the valuable skill of how to study. I have been able to use tools that were suggested in Flourishing of how to best budget my time and stay organized, such as what we discussed during my peer mentor group about planning time out in advance so that each day holds less stress.

MICROECONOMICS: While Econ has been my most challenging course at Georgetown so far, it is also my favorite. I am enjoying learning material with real life applications, and can see myself possibly looking to major or minor in econ in the future do to my interest in topics such as global business. In Flourishing we talked about not stressing out about figuring out your role in life right now, but following what you are passionate about and letting that lead you to find your role. I was able to use that advice to realize that Economics is something that I am genuinely interested in, which is a finding that I will keep in mind as I choose new classes in the future.

GENDER STUDIES: Woman and Gender Studies has been the class that has pushed me outside of my comfort level the most so far in college. A discussion based class, I have learned more from my peers than I ever have in a class before, and at the same time have been encouraged to participate more than ever in high school. While this has been difficult to adjust to being comfortable speaking in front of others on zoom, I have learned more about topics that I was not previously completely comfortable talking about than ever before, and feel fully prepared to take this knowledge outside of the classroom with confidence into the real world. It was implied through talking about friendship and kindness in Flourishing that we must work on positive relationships and inclusion, which very much overlapped with the teachings of this course. I strongly believe that through both Gender Studies and Flourishing I have become much better at recognizing scenarios that do not include everyone, and have also made a change to the way I act so that I can make the world a better place for those who are not always included.

Spring semester I have decided to take:

Macroeconomics to continue my enjoyment of microeconomics, Intro to Sociology due to my love for Flourishing, Writing, Problem of God, and Intro to Ethics. Hopefully these new classes will push me to grow as a student and I will enjoy their material as much as I enjoyed my fall semester courses.
